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green renewables project
Get the Sun
Solar energy generation requires two things: sun and land and it’s a clean source of Energy that much desired today. Many industrialized nations have already installed significant solar power capacity into their grids to supplement or provide an alternative to conventional energy sources. Photovoltaic systems use no fuel, and modules typically last 25 to 40 years. Thus, capital costs make up most of the cost of solar power. Grid parity, it is a point at which the cost of solar electricity is equal to or cheaper than the price of grid power, it was first reached in Spain in 2013.
Feel the Wind
Wind power along solar generation are one of the fastest-growing renewable energy technologies today. Wind power is capital intensive but has low maintenance costs. The price of wind power is therefore much more stable than the volatile prices of fossil fuel sources. Wind projects provide local taxes, or payments in place of taxes and strengthen the economy of rural communities by providing income to farmers with wind turbines on their land. Fully unlocking wind potential for power generation will be crucial
for the success of the global energy transformation.
Conserve the Water
Think water and environment. Hydroelectricity is the application of hydropower to generate electricity. It is the primary use of hydropower today. Hydroelectricity can also be used to store energy in the form of potential energy between two reservoirs at different heights with pumped- hydro storage.
Use the Hydrogen
Green hydrogen makes the large-scale integration of renewables possible because it enables energy players to convert and store energy as a renewable gas. It can be used for energy distribution across sectors and regions and as a buffer for renewables. It provides a way to decarbonize segments in power, transport, buildings, and industry, which would otherwise be difficult to decarbonize. Industry can use hydrogen to produce high-grade heat and use the this fuel in several processes as feedstock.
Store the Energy
Electricity storage could be a crucial factor in the world’s transition to sustainable energy systems based on renewable sources. Yet electricity markets frequently fail to account properly for the system value of storage which can effective integrate solar and wind power with the grid.